Frequently Asked Questions

Are the reviews you provide authentic?

Yes, we provide reviews from verified accounts. Our team of experienced writers will craft reviews that highlight your business’s strengths and appeal to potential customers specific to your industry. We don’t use bots to generate reviews.

While we can’t guarantee specific content, we do offer customizable packages that allow you to choose the number of reviews you want to purchase. Our experienced writers will ensure that the reviews are written in a natural, authentic tone that reflects your business

Receive review alerts through your account, email, or text, including the account name posting the review and the remaining reviews left on your order.

Most reviews are completed within 1-20 days (especially small review packages) after payment is received. Its important to us that reviews look natural so the frequency of reviews posted depends on the industry (e.g.: a contractor wouldn’t receive the same frequency of reviews as a restaurant or industry with a lot of in and out traffic)

Do you have any other questions?
